Intuitive TBIers,

Intuitive groups whom may have had sore thoughts?

Some thoughts…

Hey Rick, Can you explain what you mean by ‘intuitive’? Intuitive of what?

strong textGosh Merl, I was checking this one out too, about Intuitive Thoughts. I’m not sure
how he means that but if he could maybe try and explain it another way then we might be able to talk about it with him.
So anyway, how you been Merle? It’s July 1, in Oklahoma and a heat index is 108. How is it where you are?

Intuitive meaning being able to see an event before it happens, and realize what the ultimate outcome may hold, havent been on for quite some time, sorrry, now have to go again!

That’s a different definition to my interpretation of ‘intuitive’. To me intuitive means doing without conscious thought. ie like walking. I had to learn to walk but once I learnt, it became intuitive.

See you next time :slight_smile:

I would say that an intuitive thought may consist of knowing or following anticipation of a desired action before and up until it happens