The Gratitude Journal

I have been writing in a gratitude journal and it helped me have a better attitude during my day. I can’t explain the science of it, but, it just worked. So, here is how I do it:
*** At start of day

  • I am grateful for
    • 1?
    • 2?
    • 3?
  • What would make today great
    • 1?
    • 2?
    • 3?
  • Daily affirmations for what I believe to be true about positive things about
    • 1?
    • 2?
      *** At end of day
  • 3 amazing things that happened today
    • 1?
    • 2?
    • 3?
  • How could I have made today even better?
    • 1?
    • 2?
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I love this, Occipital. I think a lot of us could benefit from doing something like this on a daily basis. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Seenie from Moderator Support

Pretty good idea!..Its something my shrink and i talk about alot…Just having simple gratitude!

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Very good with the grateful diary I will do this.

I also like saying affirmations upon waking in the morning. This helps.

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Bless you…

I just prepared a note book to begin journaling in the morning about 5 things I am grateful for. For me this way is easier to think.


As I read these (again) I was flooded with my own wave of gratitude that we are living in an age where it is possible to have contact like this, with others who share similar challenges. Think of how awful it must have been pre-1990: very little information, and a life of isolation.

I love visiting here, and I try to drop by daily. Way back when we had chat here (remember those days?) I used to love to drop by in the evening to say hello. The good news is that we may have chat up and running again before long. TJ, or chief technical and medical guru tells me we’re really close to having chat installed here again. I’m grateful for that as well!

Seenie (aka “Mod” to the chatters from way back when, LOL)