About the New member Check In category

If you are a new member, sign in and say, “Hi,” introduce yourself, and share your story. We are not a clique. We are not elitists. We are a group of fellow PsA sufferers, who are all in pursuit of improving our lives and better controlling our disease. We have all become friends and partners. Start…

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Not actually new used to talk to Aly on old site often been a while since I’ve been
on site due to the passing of my 31 year old son.

I too suffer from a TBI which kept me in a coma for two months followed by 10 months of rehab. I have just about completed two graduate degrees since. And this topic is one I have personally encountered hence my reason for research in the area.

        Research Flyer for Those with TBI Whom Have Attempted to Return to Work

 My name is Roland Valdes. I am a doctoral student at Northcentral University in Arizona.  I am conducting a research study about discrimination that people with TBI encounter when they attempt to enter or reenter the workforce.  I am completing this research as part of my doctoral degree.  I invite you to participate.

If you participate in this research, you will be asked to:

  1. Sign and return consent form
  2. Pre‐screening questionnaire, five minutes
  3. Face‐to‐Face or internet interview, about 30 minutes.
  4. Possible follow‐up interview, about 10 minutes
    You are eligible to participate in this research if:
  5. You have a history of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury.
  6. You have been in a coma for over one day because of the injury.
  7. Your traumatic brain injury must have occurred over one year prior to the commencement of participation in the study.
  8. You are not intellectually disabled and must have an IQ in the normal range or above (90 +).
  9. You must be able to consent to participation, and thus cannot have a legal guardian or conservator.
  10. You must be over the age of 18, under age 65.
  11. You must have attempted to seek employment or return to previous employment.
    You are not eligible to participate in this research if you do not meet the requirements noted above. I hope to include eight participants in this research. In addition, in order to participate you also cannot
    currently have (or recently had within the last 3 months) thoughts of suicide or homicide or have been diagnosed with a bipolar or psychotic disorder.
    Risks: There is a minimal risk, which means probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research are not greater in and of themselves than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examinations or tests, to participants in this study. If you have questions for me, you can contact me at ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■, Phone: 713-■■■■■■■■. Your participation would be a gratefully appreciated event.

Hi , my name is Brent , I’m 52 years old and was hit by a tree two years ago this January . I have got TBI out of this not to mention a broke back and broken neck . Bunch of screws and metal I’m all back together except I’m not the same nor can I really explain what is going on with me other than I don’t feel in control of myself most days . I’m blessed with a wonderful wife who helps me so much but gets to a point where I still have to deal with myself but don’t know how . Was hoping I could maybe get some help here to improve my life . Anyone have anything on this ? Not sure if I’m making any sense .

Hi, Brent and welcome. I do understand what you are saying. I just don’t have answers. I think we are all going thru a version of the same thing. I think the best I can tell you is to take one day at a time and try not to be hard on yourself.
In time, life has gotten easier for me, but its just because I don’t make big plans, don’t expect a lot. The truth is, there is always a good chance of a migraine or just being so nauseas and dizzy I need to spend a lot of time laying down.
It has helped me to have this site, although I am not on here as much as I use to be. It is comforting in some weird way to know I am not the only one having issues. I have gotten good advice here in the past as well.
I wish you well. Sorry you are here, but I’m glad you found the site and I hope it will benefit you in some way.

Hi all Im Peter and you can find my story here:https://www.gofundme.com/help-make-pete-complete-again

Hi everyone. I’m new to the whole group stuff. I’m 27 years old and my name is Cory Williams. I was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor when I was 17 having it removed when I was 18. It’s been almost ten years sense the surgery and I’m experiencing new symptoms of the tbi. I have moderate to severe memory problems with both short and long term memory. Some days better than others. Worst of it was the day I forgot who my children were… that broke my heart… There my everything. So I am joining these group as my therapist said that connecting with others is a great way to combat tbi and get new ideas as to help. Thank you all.

Hi Cory, welcome to the group! I’m very sorry to hear about your diagnosis and memory problems - it sounds like you’ve been through quite a lot. I hope this site gives you the opportunity to connect with everyone through the discussion boards. Feel free to ask any questions!

I just came here tonight and do people use this site? It doesn’t seem as if there are new dates. I really want to communicate in a way other than FB groups.

I understand about being a different person. Not quite knowing who though. It has been four and a half years for me and my anger has now been dissipating this last six months. I think giving up the idea that it can be changed helps. But what is acceptance when you have no idea who you really are now or a purpose or where I will be. I am glad you have your wife. I hope this site turns out better than I think.